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5 Things to Know Before Taking the MOCA-Peds Assessment

5 Things to Know Before Taking the MOCA-Peds Assessment

A Pediatrician is a healthcare provider specializing in caring for children from birth to adulthood. They are primary care physicians trained and licensed to diagnose, treat, and prevent the most common pediatric disorders and diseases. They use various tools such as physical examinations, blood tests, x-rays, and lab tests to detect illness or injury. They provide treatment and may refer patients to other specialists if the problem is outside their expertise or for ongoing management.

The Montreal Cognitive Assessment is designed to aid pediatricians practicing in clinical settings. It consists of stations that assess diagnostician performance related to initiating routine patient visits. The content and style of this assessment are aligned with general pediatrics and are intended to reflect the material covered during specialty training. The evaluation aims to help Pediatricians make quality decisions about patients and families, ensuring quality care is delivered for infants, children, and adolescents. The assessment provides a means to measure performance within the Pediatrician’s specialty. Here are

5 things to know before taking the MOCA assessment.

1.   This Assessment is Verbal and Written

The assessment is verbal and written, requiring pediatricians to demonstrate their ability to listen, understand and give good advice to the patient. The verbal section is designed to assess for cognitive impairment, including the ability to follow directions, recall facts about the patient and the Pediatrician’s specialty, and express oneself. This assessment includes information about the patient relayed by the parent from a computerized list of words positively associated with children and then verbally communicated to the child’s parent.

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The written section measures knowledge of the patient and the Pediatrician’s specialty and the ability to convey information in writing. The Pediatrician must answer questions about diet, illnesses or injuries, medications, or immunizations. Both sections require the Pediatrician to have the knowledge, reasoning, and decision-making skills.

2.  It is Free

The assessment is free and available to anyone who wants to take it. It requires a MOCA account, which takes minutes to create. If this is the first time, you can practice taking it in front of a computer before you take it for real, with your performance being monitored by the system. You can retake it anytime you feel your performance is lacking or have practiced. It is available 24/7 with your MOCA account. Your account will monitor your performance, and you can retake the assessment as often.

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3.   The Test is Scored Automatically

This assessment is computer-based, which means that it is automatically scored. After the user completes a station, the computer automatically determines whether or not that Pediatrician is likely to pass. It then calculates the score based on how much of that particular domain or content area is covered within the answers selected by a pediatrician. The higher the score, the more likely they are going to pass. While each station has a score indicating how well they perform within its domain or content areas, most of these scores are averaged into an overall domain score. This overall domain score is determined by the total number of domains a participant answers correctly.

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4.  The Test is Objective

This assessment is based on the Pediatrician’s ability to make a diagnosis, treatment recommendation, and outpatient care plan with accuracy. A good exam can objectively and accurately measure whether participants have the expected skills. The MOCA Peds exam focuses exclusively on the basic knowledge and reasoning skills needed to provide quality care for children from birth to adulthood in a clinical setting such as a pediatrician’s office. Objectivity can be shown by observing how well the results correlate with other assessments or observations. The results of this assessment are compared with different skills, such as critical thinking, eye exams, and medical records.

5.  The Assessment is Validity and Reliability Tested

This assessment has been tested for validity and reliability to ensure that the results are reliable, accurate, and repeatable. The test is evaluated to see if the results correlate with actual performance in a clinical setting. Data is collected from the assessor and the participants. The assessment is also evaluated to ensure it measures what it claims to measure. It has been tested in different countries and various settings, in different types of tests, with varying groups of people, before it was released to the public.

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The MOCA Assessment has been used by physicians, nurses, psychologists, and other professionals to measure critical thinking and clinical decision-making skills while providing quality care. It is a standardized, objective, and reliable assessment that provides feedback to participants on how they may improve their skills.


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Written by Parasteh


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