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5 Tips for Italy Travelers

5 Tips for Italy Travelers 1

Italy is a country situated in Southern Europe. Together with Greece, it is known as the origin of Western culture.

Italy combines natural historic beauty, culture, art, and cuisine, making it a memorable experience of travel and a very beautiful and amazing place to visit.

Nevertheless, some advices and tips are useful if you decide to visit the country. They will help you enjoy and taste what it has to offer.

Before traveling to any place, it is very important to know basics about where you are going such as language, weather, currency and some regulations. Same applies to visiting Italy.

Here are some tips to help you make your visit just wonderful:

Know the climate

Italy, like most European countries, has different temperatures based on the season.

During spring and fall temperatures are about 55-75°F (13-24ºC) and 70-85°F (21-29ºC) during summer while during winter we have 40-55°F(4-12ºC).

Being aware of the kind of weather you will be facing when you visit the place will help know what to bring as clothes and shoes.

Be Kind and Tip for good service

Italy is in the European Union and uses Euro as currency. Tipping depends on a personal choice, but tips are valued and expected especially in good service restaurants and other places.

Restaurants sometimes include the service charge on the bills, these are not for the waiters or staff.  Typical tip is about 10% of the total bill in Italy.

Shopping in Italy

Shopping can be done from 9 am to 1 pm and from 3:30 to 7:30 pm as shops are usually open at these hours.  however, in the north of Italy, some differences could be possible with shorter lunch breaks and shops closing early. In Italy, you can find high-quality goods at very nice prices.

Know the language

The official language in Italy is Italian. You might find some English or French but this is very limited.

It might be therefore good practice to prepare yourself and learn some Italian basic sentences that you will need the most in the street, restaurants, or when shopping.

Check How you dress

Dress code in Italy needs to be observed with caution knowing that culture is influenced greatly by Roman Catholic Church. Try to be casual in most places and keep beachwear specifically to the beach.  Sometimes, conservative clothes are expected to be worn when visiting religious buildings and smaller traditional communities. When invited somewhere, formal wear is generally indicated.  Smoking is not permitted in some public areas.

Learning more about Italy, it people, culture, and the way they live will help you fully fit in and experience a truly Italian vacation.

In addition to this, you need to make sure your plane is booked, your hotel accommodation prepared and confirmed and in case you will need to move in various places, your car rentals ready.

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Written by Pitshou K


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