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Kickoff Your Classified Business With PassUp – Letgo Clone From

Script for mob app

PassUp Letgo Clone ScriptPleasant to all,

Today, I am gonna elucidate you about the PassUp – Letgo clone startup story.

Let’s started to dive PassUp was started to assist the entrepreneur who willing to begin the business on the online classified platform. The inspection of  PassUp is Letgo, the classified script which helps more people to post their second-hand products or new products or anything products can be posted on the PassUp.

The working process of PassUp is made by user-friendly. The blast cool features make users have seamless surf to post or buy the product. From this invention of “PassUp – Classified Software,” an entrepreneur can get profit by this platform.

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How an entrepreneur get profitable by PassUp-Letgo Clone?

In this world, the king of the business is an entrepreneur who can change the world progress into the next high level. The PassUp is the outstanding trump card to double the incomes. Let’s see how it’s helping an entrepreneur

Ample of features for an entrepreneur

  • Simple And Elegant Admin Dashboard.
  • Manage Multiple Admin.
  • Numerous Users Management.
  • Collection of Products Management.
  • Stunning Image Upload
  • Setting Up A Location
  • Management Of Great Services

Immense Features For Your Users

  • Flagship Application
  • Multiple Login/SignUp
  • Easily Categories Searchable Panel
  • Quick Location Based Search
  • Instant Message Support
  • Wishlist To Add Favourites
  • Multiple Product Category

The most standard and latest technologies in PassUp

Read: Top 5 Trending Business Ideas Using Uber Clone Script

Technologies Used In PassUp

  • Operating System – Linux
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • ejabberd
  • Apache Web Server
  • PM2 Node module

Not only the above aspects, but there are also much more ample of features for the entrepreneur to upgrade their business by the “PassUp”. To know more about PassUp – Letgo Clone. Start to manuscript your success stories in the business world. Thanks for spending your golden time with us.

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Written by Trioangle

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