
6 Attendance Biases you can Avoid with a Biometric-Enabled AMS

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The automation for all human resource management system is broadly utilized in the vast majority of the business establishments working their successful career in created and creating nations. It is a system that can distinguish the understudies and monitor their participation naturally. This framework can supplant the paper-based participation checking framework which needs unwavering quality, exactness, consistency, and efficiency. In a large portion of the presence management, the front end comprises an identification unit. By and large, identifications are done dependent on different current advancements, for example, RFID, bio-measurements, Bluetooth, face recognition, voice acknowledgment and so on.

Among these, RFID is one of the most famous technology on account of its cost efficiency, flexibility, and manageability. There were numerous kinds of fakes which were polished by the employees in the manual participation management method and which has to lead the company to encounter a lot of fortune misfortune that triggers hole of money related an incentive through deceptive methods performed by the employees to swindle the company.

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Letting you HR to have Continuous Evaluation and Audits:

With the implementation of supervision, the HR can easily identify the process to be authenticated and transparent where they can identify the possible cause and all the loop-holes which are making the process suffers. While most employees are straightforward, there are generally a couple of you should watch out for. With regards to time clock extortion, notwithstanding cushioning each workday with only a couple of additional minutes includes. There are numerous flaws in the manual participation preparing framework through which the employees were effectively ready to make their courses through the framework to swindle the company and get compensated for the work they are not having the right to be. The open door for time clock misrepresentation exists and sadly a few employees will attempt to benefit from your misfortune. The human resource department’s responsibility is to remain one stage in front of any potential trickiness which is just conceivable through the usage of a committed participation management software.

Making Proxy Attendance:

If the company in which you are working as a human resource management personnel are still using the manual management system to maintain the records of employees presence than it is most probably possible for you to experience attendance frauds where the buddy of your employee might time stamp or sign the presence of his buddy in your register. This will end up your company to pay for the service which you didn’t get in the actual world. The proxy attendance is a great way through which the employee used to trick the employer and if the total amount is, to sum up, the company can incur a hefty loss of thousands of dollars. The manual system got replaced by the advance bio-metric-based attendance monitoring system which was a great success through which the system was leveraged to make the employees practice of proxy punching be eradicated from the root. The biometric system is confined to scan retina, fingerprint, RFID based card which is impossible to be tricked by other employees.

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Marking Attendance from Unexpected Places:

In the old days, the employer was left with only one way through which it can be confirmed that their employees are on the predefined location, which was by manually calling the client or employee which is not a concrete reliable way that determines the authenticity of the information. Introduction of the mobile device and the application of GPS technology was a revolutionary parameter in the attendance management system processing of the employees which also provides the employers with location details at which the employee is standing currently through geo-tracking. Another implementation of this was the company’s strategy through bounding the process of mobile punching from the perimeter area that was defined to be client location or workplace. It was the restriction technology that won’t let the ground employees punch their attendance from any other location than the described one. This way the company can easily make sure the presence of their resources.

Defining Wrong Overtime Hours:

When the system of manual attendance monitoring and implementation was more prevalent the records keeping were more inclined towards manual management where the information became vulnerable to all kind of tampering of data. Here the employee changes their in and out the timing to get compensated for the hours which they have not worked for. Over time manipulation was also done through these means of data management. This was the least secure data management system a modern company could ever dream of. Cloud-based centralized storage of the data leads the company to define more clear accessibility and levels of authorization to the employees to make the channel of workflow secure and establish data integrity with the company. This way the company can make sure all the attendance information which is the base of a perfect payroll processing remains intact.

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Leveraging Favoritism:

The factor which is hindering the growth of a company is mostly the favoritism which is practiced among the employees who are working their way out with the superiors for getting benefits that are favorable to them. The favoritism is a termite that lets the corruption creeps into the company’s process and makes the employee management very tedious and in this situation, the company also experience a high amount of loss in their productivity and revenue. To effectively dodge this situation the company just need to implement an integrated attendance solution that will be making sure the attendance processing is adhering all the policies and regulations which are imposed by the company to streamline presence management.

Unique mark time clock based time and participation frameworks carry proficiency to the working environment by giving an unrivaled capacity to rapidly and precisely catch continuous work information to take out participation extortion. Right now is an ideal opportunity for your association to embrace a unique mark based time and participation answer for assistance dispense with time and participation misrepresentation.


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