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9 Hacks to Assist You Crack SSC Exam

SSC Exam, 9 Hacks to Assist You Crack SSC CGL Exam

The SSC Combined Graduate Level Exam is one the most esteemed tests carried out in India. Numerous candidates apply for the SSC CGL Examination every year. Because of the past 5 years, the variety of applicants appearing for this examination has exceeded 15 lakhs. More than 17 lakh applicants appeared for this exam last year. The New Tier – 1 Paper takes a candidate to answer 100 questions within a time span of 75 minutes. This indicates the applicant is needed to answer 3 questions in 4 minutes. To get ready for such an examination needs a substantial amount of dedication and hard work. To crack SSC exam you can get help our best ssc coaching in panchkula.

If you are wondering how to start studying for your SSC CGL Examination in your limited time, we have some hacks for you! Follow these tips and continue with your hard work, and you will certainly see a difference.

9 Best tips to crack SSC exam

1. Understand your syllabus

Understand your syllabus in and out. For the Tier – 1 and Tier – 2 Examination, undergo the pattern and get ready a list of all the matters to be covered for each paper, individually. Click here to view the new pattern of SSC exam and the list of matters to be covered for each paper individually.

2. Makes a plan

Arrange your time. Make a timetable and follow it without fail. Study for one tier at a time. Dedicate a segment of your day to study each portion of the paper. You can put aside more time to study those parts which you discover hard and lesser time for those parts which you find comparably simple.

3. Concentrates on the matters which are prioritized

Each section has a list of topics which are prioritized. More questions are asked from these topics. Focus on these topics.

4. Does not quit searching for material

Search for material all over, both online and offline. Discover as much study material as you can, and study from it. You can refer to earlier year’s question papers.

You can undergo our post to discover the pattern and study material for your SSC CGL

5. Understand shortcuts

Understand shortcuts for all your Math questions and Understanding Passages. These techniques help you save a considerable amount of time while you are answering your paper.

6. Makes a list of your Basic Math formulae

Understand your basic math formulae similar to the back of your hand. Each second spent recollecting your formulae counts. Utilize flash cards to understand formulae if you are bad at memorizing. Make practice tests on formulae for yourself and perform them on an every day or weekly basis. If you are poor with your formulae, you could practice these tests more often. Get success in bank PO exam with the help of bank po coaching in panchkula.

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Written by IBS Institute


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