Are you currently struggling to increase your website traffic? Regardless of what you do, your blog visitor’s numbers didn’t increase…
Most bloggers quit blogging just because they get small or no visitors to their blog(s).
Here are 10 tips to follow to get unlimited website traffic
1. Write exceptional articles
It’s very essential to write great and well-composed articles always to make it in blogging worlds. This will bring quality traffic from search engines or other sites.
2. Share Your Blog Posts on Social Media

Tweeter – set up your blog to always Tweet every new post as it publishes.
Facebook -Promote your content on your Facebook page but don’t spam.
Pinterest and Instagram -Always post your content image(s) (make sure it’s original) on Pinterest and Instagram.
I’m sure you know social media is one of the ways in which a business owner can easily and remotely interact and rub minds with his prospects and clients, come to think of it, responding to some tweet or posting some content on FB wouldn’t hurt, would it?
It has been proven that 92% of startup CEO’s consider the use of SM very important for the life span of their business, have you ever paused to ponder why? The reasons aren’t far-fetched, the reasons are because SM helps to build a brand’s recognition, SM helps to forge a community for your company/business, and in general, SM grows your business.
Next year, globally, the number of SM users are expected to hit a staggering 2.5billion, next year is going to be the year of internet sales for CEO’s who’ve gotten the grip of leveraging on the power and benefits of SM.
Read: A creative way to increase your site traffic
3. Commenting on authoritative blogs related to your niche
Promote your site by being an interesting, thoughtful commenter (don’t spam with your link) and ensure you’re among the first 10 to comment.
4. Create Video

Another great way to get visitors is to create video and upload on websites like Metacafe, Dailymotion, Youtube, etc.
Create a 3-4 minutes video and add your blog link at the beginning.
Check some video creation Tools for Social Media
- Animoto
- GoAnimate
- Powtoon
- Sellamations
- VideoScribe
- Evaer
- Camtasia
- ScreenFlow
5. Participate in popular Question & Answers websites
People ask questions, You post relevant answers. And if your answers are exceptional with links back to your blog, you can receive much visitors and boost in traffic.Quora is a great site to look at.
Check Some Best Q&A websites
- quora
- hacker news’ ask section
- lawpivot
- mind the book
- linkedin answers
- stack overflow
- super user
- amazon’s askville
- yahoo! answers
6. Use SEO Keywords

Keywords are very vital in bringing visitors or organic traffic to your blog. Google has a keyword tool that assists in determining the right keywords to target with your content.
The Best Keywords Research tools
- Google Keyword Planner
- KWFinder
- Moz’s Keyword Explorer
- Keyword Tool
- SEMrush
7. Compelling Blog Titles
An amazing and enticing title is what sells your content. Make sure every title you write consistently conveys its subject matter & make sure they are convincing enough to draw attention. If you want your contents to rank in search engines and to be read – Amazing Titles is vital!
8. Guest Post
Guest Posting on Hi-PR blogs is another way to increase your visitors. When you write elsewhere, it gives you exposure & directs readers back to your site.
Check Some Hi-PR Guest Blog websites
- ShoutMeLoud
- HubSpot
- Outbrain
- Copyblogger
- Inc42
- YourStory
- p-arasteh
9. Add Sharing Buttons to Your Site
Make it easy for your visitors (readers) to promote your blog posts by adding sharing buttons to your site. ShareThis and Flare are very useful in this regard.
10. Google Analytics

As you take advantage of these tips it’s a good idea to assess which ones are working and which ones are not. Google analytics is to enhance your website and discover ways to provide your readers what they crave for.
You now have almost all the action tips. Start implementing it and take your blog to the next level!
Guest posting is still the most effective way to generate backlinks. Great article
Thanks, Harsh
Informative article