
How To Find Duplicate Content On Your Site?

How To Find Duplicate Content On Your Site?

In the huge world of SEO, duplicate content is the most dreaded subject. Duplicate content affects the ranking of your website or web page. When there is the same content on multiple web pages, it can get confusing for the search engines as to what to rank first.

Google’s algorithm is so robust that it can quickly identify duplicate content, resulting in the search engine ranking your website extremely lower or removing your website from the searches altogether. All in all, duplicate content is unacceptable and is not ethical as well. So, as a digital marketer, it is our responsibility to check for duplicate content on your website. 

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Today, I will explain how you can find duplicate content on your site. 

4 Best Tools to Find Duplicate Content

It can be tedious to broom through the internet to look for the content that matches your web content. This is why there are numerous duplicate content checker tools available – both paid and free – that you can use to check the originality of your content.

The following are some of the most popular content checker tools, popularly known as Plagiarism Checkers that you would want to use to find duplicate content. 

1. Smallseotools 

Smallseotools is probably the most preferred duplicate content checker because it is free. Use this tool to check your blog posts and articles before publishing them on your website. If there is any plagiarism, the tool will display the copied content along with links of sources from where the content must have been copied.

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If you are starting on your content writing or digital marketing journey, this is a great tool to have. 

2. Copyscape

If you want precise checking of your content to make sure it is 100% unique, then use Copyscape. Many professional content creators and marketers trust Copyscape.

The tool is designed to perform stringent checking that searches the entire web to see if the content is copied or not. However, since it is a premium service, it is not free. But you get accuracy and reliance when you check your content using Copyscape.

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3. Duplichecker 

Another excellent tool to find duplicate content is Duplichecker. While it is free, if you want to check multiple articles in a day, you will have to register with Duplichecker. 50 searches per day allowed for registered users. And if you are not registered, you can only check once or twice a day. Checking content with Duplichecker is quite easy.

Just copy the article and paste it into Duplichecker’s search box. It will take a couple of minutes to check the article thoroughly. But you will be happy with the result. 

4. Plagspotter 

Last but not least, Plagspotter is another great duplicate checking tool that helps in identifying copied or duplicate pages of the content on the internet. You can use this tool to find plagiarism. And the best part is that Plagspotter allows you to scrutinize your URLs every week to check for plagiarism automatically.

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What are the causes of plagiarism? 

In the majority of cases, plagiarism is not intentionally performed or intended to be malicious. The most common examples include product descriptions. On the other hand, some perform deliberate duplication by pasting the same content on multiple domains with the hope of increasing traffic or influencing the search engine rankings.

This does no good as it refrains people from accessing the required content they want. Hence, search engines like Google make sure that the duplicate content is immediately removed or ranked extremely lower. 

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Written by alpee


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