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Proper way to wash your hands and maintain hygiene

Proper way to wash your hands and maintain hygiene

Have you ever washed your hands with soap or a handwash liquid, thinking you have washed them correctly, only to realize that you have neglected to cleanse some areas? There are many people who do not realize they are not washing their hands correctly. This can lead to many issues including the spread of disease and causes of illnesses. 

Hand washing is not an action that we usually consider when it comes to our health. But improving our handwashing habits can have a big impact on our lives. Washing your hands properly is vitally important to your health and the thing is, there’s a proper way to go about it. 

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Why washing your hands is important 

Avoiding getting sick is as easy as washing your hands. When you’re in close contact with other people, unwashed hands can spread germs that make the people around you sick. It is very easy stop the spread of germs. Hands are a common way that germs enter your body, so keeping them clean can help keep you healthy. 

You should wash your hands after using the restroom, before preparing food and before eating, especially if you’re caring for someone who is sick. Deep washing can help keep flu and other infections from spreading. Hand washing also prevents germs from spreading to other people. While preparing or consuming food or drinks, germs from unwashed hands can get into them. 

Why using a hand wash is important 

Washing your hands with water might get rid of the dirt visible to the naked eye, but it doesn’t kill the lurking germs. Washing your hands regularly with a handwash and water makes sure that your hands do not just appear clean but are actually clean. Grease and sweat on our palms often become a breeding ground for nasty bacteria. A good scrubbing with a handwash liquid ensures that your palms are sweat and oil-free. It is also important to choose a hand wash liquid that cleans your hands without stripping your skin of essential moisture. The Better Home’s Hand Washes are specially formulated with gentle cleansing agents that soften your skin and get rid of dirt and germs. 

Handwashing checklist you should follow 

Handwashing is a simple task but often simple tasks are overlooked. Follow this checklist to make sure your hands are clean and germ-free always: 

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When to wash: 

  • After touching any frequently touched surface like doorknobs and handles. 
  • After touching an animal or animal waste. 
  • After touching garbage. 
  • Before and after cooking or eating a meal. 
  • Before and after caring for someone who is ill. 
  • Before and after treating a wound 
  • After using the washroom or toilet. 
  • After cleaning up a child. 
  • After coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose. 


Take a drop of your handwash liquid on wet hands and rub it between your palms to form a thick lather. Use it to scrub the back of your hands, the spaces between your fingers, and under your fingernails. 

The 20-second rule:

Knowing when and how to wash your hands is important but it is also crucial to know for how long you should be scrubbing. You don’t want to dry out your skin by washing for too long nor is it ideal to just wash your hand for 2 seconds and call it a day. At least 20 seconds to wash your hands to get a thorough cleaning. 


What do you think?

Written by Parasteh


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