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Road Safety Techniques a Day keeps the Accidents away

Road Safety Techniques a Day keeps the Accidents away chd

Road Safety nowadays is termed as the most important segment in terms of Public Health and Safety. Various preventive techniques and methods are being used and practiced to save road users from accidents and mishappenings. Road Safety Strategies and Interventions are entitled toward ZERO ACCIDENTS, i.e. the strategy is designed to ensure that the fatalities and mishappening are decreased by providing the immediate First Aid to the victim. Also, it lays emphasis on hospitalising the victim as soon as possible.

Some Initiatives are being taken by the Govt. Bodies/Corporate Entities/Educational Institutions and Individuals in empowering and creating Road Safety Awareness in the Society.

On March 2016, Supreme Court of India approved guidelines for the protection of Good Samaritan. These guidelines protect the right of the bystanders who help any road victim in case of an emergency. This law was made on a belief that majority of these people who become the victim of these accidents could be saved if an immediate First Aid has been provided to them. Thus for the prevention of fatalities and injuries, the Government of India has introduced this law.

Corporate Entities conduct various Road Safety Training Programs, celebrate Road Safety Week etc. They organize various CSR Activities for conducting awareness and educating their employees in creating a healthy and safe working environment.

Understanding the roads is an essential topic for teenagers. Educational Institutes, on the other hand, are also conducting various campaigns and programs are being organized for the students which result in proper seeding and enhancing the Traffic Safety Education and Awareness among the Young generation.

Thus Road Safety Awareness and Traffic Safety Education play a major role in the overall Safety of the Road Users.

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