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Study Material, Optional Subject and Tips for UPSC-IAS Exams

IAS Exam

A big issue each and every student faces in the reputed Civil service Exam (Also known as IAS exam) is choice of optionally available Subjects. In accordance with recent Changes made by the government in Pattern of IAS examination, the preliminary test in this examination has been changed by civil service aptitude test, which includes two objective papers for everyone students carrying Equivalent marks. So the students don’t need to decide the optional subjects for the preliminary examination.

Along with five mandatory papers for the mains examination, applicants have to select two subjects from a listing of 25 optional subjects. Following are the not allowed combinations in the UPSC syllabus-

  • Mathematics and Statistics
  • Agriculture and Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science
  • Management and Public Administration
  • Any TWO branches of Engineering
  • Medical Science and Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science
  • Combination of TWO Literatures
  • Political Science & International relations and Public Administration
  • Commerce & Accountancy and Management
  • Anthropology and Sociology

Previously, applicants usually took their mainstream subject as initially optional and most of the material was covered in the prelims examination and then they had just to make a decision on the second optional subject as guided by IAS Coaching in Chandigarh. But from right now, the applicants are at same platform in the aptitude test and have to determine two optional subjects for mains examination with more criterion in mind as this is the very aspect that determines candidate’s possibilities of getting through this examination.

Following are a few criterions to be held in your mind while selecting optional subjects in the new pattern for IAS exam-

Firstly, Applicant must be comfy in getting to know the subject. The decision shouldn’t be made on the basis of duration of the subject but on the one’s comfort with the subject by itself. For instance, History and geography are generally known for extended syllabus and answers, while public administration and anthropology have short syllabus and answers. The point is not in choosing the subjects that have short or lengthy answers but comfortable with the subject.

Availability of IAS study material is also an important factor in identifying the optional subject. There should be sufficient resources available such as PCS Coaching in Chandigarh for preparing the subject, visiting an experienced senior in case of a totally new subject in your perspective is quite sensible.

Applicant must not choose a subject matter just because it’s scoring or his good friends are choosing it. When a lot more students choose for an optional subject it means a lot more participants with history will be selected for next round and thus a greater competition, it doesn’t make sure a greater score. Just remember, the easier the subject the stronger will be competing in it.

It’s about candidate’s personal comfort with the subject and selecting the optional subjects need to be done very carefully since it is the deciding reason for the candidate’s selection in this examination for getting into prestigious civil services.


What do you think?

Written by Simran IAS


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