
When in Brazil, Do as the Brazilians Do!

When in Brazil, Do as the Brazilians Do! 1

Have you ever been to Brazil? Would you like to plan a long vacation trip to Brazil this year? Brazil is synonymous with natural wonders, scenic beauty, and fantastic nightlife. Not many people are aware that Brazil’s beauty lies in its 11 UNESCO World Heritage Site and its everyday celebrations and colorful fiestas. Brazil is a land of festivals that believes in larger than life celebrations. So how about spending some time in Brazil amidst the Brazilians to exploring their culture and tradition? 

Before making your itinerary, remember to make your American Airlines reservations and get discounted tickets and superb deals and offers on hotels, car rentals, and excursions. 

Explore Brazil Like Never Before

The best way to comprehend a country’s life and culture are by living with them and witnessing their smallest celebrations. Brazil is known for festa; envisage yourself in Brazil celebrating their celebrations and understanding the ancient culture through a modern microscope. Plan your Brazil itinerary around the festivals mentioned below, make incredibly memorable moments, and relish Brazilians’ beauty amidst their natural environment. 

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Date of Celebration: 21st Feb – 26th Feb

Brazilian Carnival

Carnival is noted as the oldest celebration of Brazilians dated back to 1830. It is a celebrated festival before the lent period commenced, and to date, it is celebrated with the same enthusiasm and happiness. Brazilians dress up in flashy decorated clothes and come on the streets to participate in the huge parade.

There are several Samba competitions held where locals get a chance to showcase their samba proficiency. The streets are decorated colorful where locals and tourists are treated alike; you can groove on the local samba music, participate in the competition and enjoy the one-week celebration amidst the most beautiful people in the world.

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Date of Celebration: 7th – 25th October

Oktoberfest was originally a German festival

Oktoberfest was originally a German festival where locals came together to relish the taste of different beer samples. Similarly, Brazilians celebrate the fest; however, the fest’s beauty is its colorful parade and on-the-go party where locals can take part in the dances and groove on authentic traditional music.

Along with the parade and party, the fest also encourages beauty pageant, where girls participate, and the winner becomes the Queen of the Oktoberfest. At the same time, the runner up suffices with the Princess of the Oktoberfest. It is a highly loved fest of Brazil where locals come together to taste beers and relish Brazil’s ancient traditional delicacies. Everyone is dressed in formal dresses to stand out from others.

Tourists can be a part of the parade and experience the wondrous festival during October.

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Semana Santa

Date of Celebration: 5th April – 11th April

Semana Santa is Easter for Brazilians

Semana Santa is Easter for Brazilians. It is one of the most celebrated festivals all over Brazil; however, to witness the festival’s true nature, you need to be in Ouro Preto. The city conducts plays and dances for locals and tourists alike. If you are there during the tie of Semana Santa, you might also make good friends, for the festival is known for wishing happiness to all, exchanging gifts, a nest of chocolates and eggs, plan get-togethers, and much more.

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Every city in brazil celebrates the festival in distinct ways, but Ouro Preto is known for the festival decorations; the streets are covered with colorful sands, flowers, and sawdust to create mesmerizing themes and designs. So if you plan to visit Brazil anytime soon, add the Semana Santa festival to your vacation itinerary. 

These were the three festivals that are highly celebrated in Brazil and are world-renowned. So after taking a good tour of Brazil and its world heritage sites, do not forget to witness the colorful festivals and be a part of Brazil’s most energetic and loved celebrations. Also, do not forget to make your Sun Country Reservations before planning your vacation itinerary. 

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Written by Jamie Taylor


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