
Content Writer – Freelancers vs Agencies

Content Writer - Freelancers vs Agencies

Content is an essential part of a website. Your website must have content that promotes your brand, keeps the audience engaged and gives them actionable advice. It must also be unique, SEO friendly and grammatically correct.

It’s a lot to ask for, and not everyone is good at content writing for websites. Asking an intern to create content for you may seem financially prudent, but the content generated may not be in your best interests. You could either hire a freelancer or a content writing agency. Here are a few key differences between them.

3 Facets help to choose the best content writer option


When it comes to pricing, you need to consider the amount of content you need to generate. If you need 3-4 articles per month, a freelancer content writer may offer cheaper rates. However, in most cases, you will require a lot more content. In these cases, an agency can provide you with better price points.

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You also need to consider all the different types of content you require. An agency can provide you with articles, blogs, white papers, infographics, videos, etc. Individually, certain types of content may be more expensive than others. Still, when you’re looking hiring an agency to generate all the different types of content, the costs could average out.

SEO Friendliness

For a website to be found by visitors, it must have a high SEO ranking. This refers to the strategic presence of keywords in the text, or it should be Search Engine Optimized.

The keywords your articles must have depended on your sector of work and what people search for. For example, a furniture retailer may need to include keywords like ‘online furniture’, ‘wooden furniture’, etc. However, you should know that simply repeating the keywords multiple times in an article may work against you.

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To have high SEO ranking, content must include the keywords in 3-4% of the text and incorporate it in grammatically correct sentences. While a freelancer may be able to write good content, he may not always be able to identify the right keywords and incorporate them correctly. This is why most agencies that offer content writing for websites have an SEO specialist along with their content writers.

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Websites must stay current and do so, and the content must be released regularly. When you hire a freelancer, one person is handling all your content. Hence, if they were to fall ill or if their laptop were to get damaged suddenly, your work would suffer. On the other hand, a content agency is more reliable.

If something were to happen to one person, there would always be someone else who can pick up the slack for you. Thus, your content publishing schedule will not be affected.

Also Read: Know About Why Content Marketing Needs to Be a Priority for Any Business?

To sum it up, your website needs content, and if you’re looking at the long-term picture, it is better to work with an agency that offers content writing for the website rather than a freelancer content writer. By doing so, make sure you receive unique, well researched and well-written content on a regular schedule.

If you’re not sure, work with an agency for a month as a trial before signing a contract.

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