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Depression Quotes for Sad People

20 Depression Quotes for Sad People

Depression can be a sad place to be especially since you feel so alone. Battling depression can be a difficult task. You need something to fuel your drive. You need to know that you are not alone.

These depression quotes may help you defeat depression. They are an assurance that you are not alone and that there may be a light at the end of this dark tunnel.

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20 Depression Quotes For Depressed People

“A big part of depression is feeling lonely, even if you’re in a room with a million people.”

“Fighting depression feels like you are fighting a losing battle. Keep fighting though.”

“Depression, suffering and anger are all part of being human.”

“The cure to depression lies within you. You decide whether it destroys you or you overcome it. Your happiness depends on you.”

“It’s very easy to slide into a depression fuelled by the hopelessness of existence.”

“Depression can feel worse than terminal cancer because most cancer patients feel love, hope and self-esteem.”

“The frustration that accompanies depression can be just as bad as depression itself. Feeling like you are constantly being tortured by nothingness.”

“Depression is like a moving glacier. No one can measure its progress, and no one knows how to stop it. The best you can do is run, fast.”

“Depression is like having the worst flu all day. The flu that you just can’t kick.”

“Don’t let the darkness that is depression kill you off. Don’t give in. A lot of beautiful things have come from that darkness.”

“It gets to a point where you learn to embrace depression. It doesn’t necessarily mean that it gets easier.”

“Shutting out the depression strengthens it. While you hide from it, it grows.”

“Stigma and shame are more burdens that come with the depression package.”

“It is like a non-ending dark night. A night without stars to give hope. A night that never ends even when the sun comes up.”

“Anger is energizing. The opposite of anger is depression; which is anger turned inward.”

“The sad thing about it is that you can never appreciate your wins. Not that they aren’t there. It’s because you’ve been scared to deep to appreciate the good in life.”

“In a strange way, I had fallen in love with my depression.”

“Depression felt like the prison doors of my isolation chamber slamming shut.”

“Self-loathing is probably the worst part of it.”

“I never used to understand why people took their own lives. That is until depression struck.”

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I hope after reading these depression quotes and memes you get the energy and power to fight against your depression.

Always keep in mind, suicide or death is not the solution to the problems.

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What do you think?

Written by Parasteh


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