
There is a suggestion of OSRS Farming growth

suggestion of OSRS Farming growth

Now, OSRS farming skill requires some fresh contents to make it more active and popular. There is a suggestion of OSRS Farming growth which involves many respects, including Livestock, Animal creatures, Yields and much more.

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The suggestion of OSRS Farming growth


Animal Creatures: Probably a couple of hunter creatures which would necessitate the searching level for them too.

Yields: Different substances, like unicorn horns, red spider eggs, and so forth.

Obtainable: Based on the creature monsters. It could be bought from an NPC, or maybe hatched from an egg.

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What would you do?

  1. Feed food.
  2. Give them liquids.
  3. Perhaps pet them for extra yield.

More details may be inserted into the growth

This proposal sounds terrific. But a few more fleshed-out details may want to increase the farming growth. A few points just as following shows:

  1. Boost livestock in levels: 2 in lvl 20, 3 in lvl 40, etc
  2. Livestock develops at time intervals. Maybe a chance to re-write the farming code as well?
  3. Sell livestock to the farmers in exchange for rewards. So Instead of slaughtering your unicorns secondaries, the farmer gives it to you straight, possibly with birds nests, gems, herbs, etc
  4. Farmers can request livestock. Martin, the gardener, may ask you for 5 hens and Provide you bonus XP
  5. Livestock may get diseased and you can cure them based on your own levels or feed. The choice to euthanize the creature to free up pen space.

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Ask the gardener to watch over animals for payment.

Can it be better as a new skill? definitely, however, a skill-based on creatures alone might not really what the players want. I hope Jagex can suggest some ideal jobs to earn farming abilities in Old School rs more worth to leveling up. Last, remember that you can buy cheap rs 2007 gold at any time from RSorder.

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