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How to running own e-commerce website and selling products online 2021

How to running own e-commerce website and selling products online 2019

As a significant number of people gravitate toward buying their goods and services online, e-commerce is undoubtedly becoming the global method of buying and selling.

what is e-commerce?

E-commerce is an internet method of selling and marketing products and services while sending money online using a secured-electronic network.

Many businesses and companies in the world both small scales and large scales are now opting for e-commerce website not only to promote their business globally but also as a perfect method of saving time while shopping. In the actual sense, e-commerceis trending, and it’s the best product selling method globally used.

According to the survey conducted in Texas, USA June 6, 2016, – the survey was conducted to examine the global performance of online shopping and the purchase habit of people in the United States.

The result of the statistic shows that a minimum of 96% of Americans shops online. These online shoppers spend an average of 5 hours weekly when shopping.

However, it’s observed that these online shoppers do shop online for two significant reasons which are: time-saving method, and no-crowd shopping which means that e-commerce provided the best means of shopping online conveniently.

However, an e-commerce website is always different from the typical business website in features and traits. Some of the usual features are shopping carts, computerized inventory database, credit card enabled, online product catalog, statistic tracking, and product shipment.

However, having an e-commerce website can both benefit the merchants and the customers.

Some other benefits of running e-commerce for selling your products and services online are:

  • Conducting an online business has a far cheaper upfront for a merchant, and it is pretty easy to build. Besides, if you have an existing business website, you can quickly turn your business website into an e-commerce website by contacting an e-commerce hosting service.
  • It is a powerful method of attracting potential customers. Having an e-commerce website makes it pretty easier for customers to browse the internet at any convenient time of the day to get their products without any hindrance.
  • No specific shopping or business hours. This is another fantastic benefit of using e-commerce website for your online shopping. There is no specific business hour as products are always displayed on the e-commerce website.
  • If you have lots of products to sell, you don’t have to worry yourself because e-commerce website got you covered. The easiest way is to put all of these products on your e-commerce site in the right category with enough product description and information for potential customers to see.
  • E-commerce website provides a secure payment method that guarantees security for you and your customers.

How to boost and increase sales on your e-Commerce site

  • Show clients and interested parties how reliable and trustworthy your platform is: let people know they’re safe buying from your website, since most e-Commerce shoppers most likely pay with their cards [debit/credit], give them the assurance that they’re not going to be hacked or conned. You should integrate your website with solid and reliable security firewalls as this will encourage shoppers to buy from you.

Image 1: This is an example of a secured website URL.

How to boost and increase sales on your e-Commerce site

Photo2: I’m sure you’re familiar with these logos, the odds are you must have come across one or perhaps two of these logos when you surf the net trying to purchase an item from a popular online marketplace, these logos simply means the website whose page you’re currently on is fortified with reliable firewall.

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  • Videos convert better than photos when you’re running ads: Shoppers love video, they love to see a moving image-motion of what they’re about to spend their money on, they want to see an actual human trying that product, they want to see it with their eyes, not just some image or cartoon illustration.
  • It’s a proven fact by 80% of online marketing analysts, that video ads help e-Commerce operators get an ROI higher than every other marketing tactics. When your e-Commerce website has got video illustrations of your product or service, you’ll realize that visitors will spend an extra 20 minutes than if they weren’t real life video illustrations.
  • Robo, a renowned e-Commerce brand was able to pull in a whopping sum of $5 million in revenue just because they ran video ads, you see, video ads boost the purchasing confidence of prospects and visitors, thereby increasing your revenue through sales.
  • 3. Use videos when presenting a testimonial or review on your e-Commerce website: endeavor to use a video or at least an image of whoever is reviewing your product or service, it’s folly to upload a review or feedback of your service or product by a faceless figure on your website.
  • This will discourage prospects from buying at your store and they’ll rather patronize your competitors because they’ve got an image of the person who actually used the product and made a review or gave feedback about the product or service.
  • Below is a perfect example of how a testimonial should be on your e-Commerce website if you want to increase sales.
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Top 3 alternatives where you sell your products online

Small retailers benefit immensely from online market places, benefits such as reaching a new set of customers, however though, these places aren’t of equal features. Some of these online stores have given sellers invaluable breakpoints and transformation for their business while other market places, despite the heavy and numerous levies placed on the sellers, they often fail to deliver sufficient customers.

Amazon: Amazon proves to be the doyen of internet retail business. Amazon comes to the mind of everyone when selling online is the question.

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Ebay: Ebay was founded in the year 1995, it happens to be one of the most popular and surviving online market places. You can sell about any kind of item on ebay, even vintage wears and antiques aren’t excluded.

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Sears: With a monthly fee of $40, you’ve got the opportunity to list your items on any of the categories of Sear’s official site, that’s not all; your item is also going to be featured on the official App, kiosks and retail locations.

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Creating and running an effective e-commerce website requires proper planning. Therefore, to get the best, ensure you get a reliable website designer to assist in implementing your plans. Ensure you do everything possible to create a user-friendly e-commerce website since satisfactory services, easy purchase, time-saving, and making money are the primary objectives of setting up your e-commerce website.


What do you think?

Written by Parasteh


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