
Study Automotive Courses in Perth – A Pathway to PR

An automotive or motor technician or mechanic is a person who can deal with a range of problems that a vehicle can have. He can provide repair services, maintenance services and test the conditions of various types of vehicles. This career is blooming in most countries, including Australia. The Automotive Courses Perth provides the seekers with a broad range of skills that make them appropriate for diagnosing as repairing the issues that a lightweight vehicle faces successfully.

Overview of Automotive courses

The automotive course mainly focuses on the practical lessons regarding applying technical knowledge about certain vehicles, motors and machines. Some of the most common subjects and training that Automotive Courses offer are automotive management, electrical, mechanical systems, ignition and fuel systems, diagnosing technical issues, repair and maintenance of automobiles etc.

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Eligibility criteria

An international student’s first and foremost thing for applying in Automotive Courses in Perth is a student visa. A valid passport and the offer letter. The university where you are opting for the course can get you a student visa easily. The candidate must have an overall 5.5 IELTS score, and the score of no component must be less than 5.

Besides, the candidate must also have access to enough funds, proof of Overseas Student Health Cover, and all other documents mentioned on the Department of Home Affairs visa checklists.

The different automotive courses offered by the Universities of Perth

When you decide to pursue your career studies in automotive courses in Perth, Australia, you will be able to find several courses. So it might seem quite a challenging task for you to choose the perfect course. Below are some of the automotive courses that any top university in Perth offers. It is better to associate with an Education Consultant in Perth, as the person can help you to find the best course according to your requirements.

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Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology:

An individual who successfully completes this course knows the skills and knowledge required for servicing and maintaining automobiles and other automotive services. Besides the specialized skills, you can also learn other skills required for employability like communication, teamwork, time management, problem identification, planning and organizing, and other hands-on skills required for the automotive industry.

Advanced Diploma of Mechanical Engineering:

This course provides the seekers with the proper theoretical and practical skills required for working as a technical offer or a supervising engineer in the automobile and other manufacturing industries.

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If you opt for this course, you will learn to understand technical and managerial concepts and you will also be able to work in any kind of enterprises and the Defense forces. You will also be trained with the proper skills to design, improve, and build modern mechanical equipment, tools, machines, and devices that will help solve a wide range of problems in the automotive sectors.

Master of International Automotive Engineering:

This course is of two years of duration, and an individual requires 6.5 IELTS score for applying for this score. With this course’s help, you will become capable of making innovations for designing different products of the automotive and manufacturing industries. You can be employed as the leader of an industry which deals with automotive engineering design. You can also develop an understanding of modern automobiles’ products life cycles and system designs.

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Bachelor of Automotive Engineering (honours):

This degree is associated with the core studies in mechanical engineering with specialized skills in automotive engineering that help develop economically efficient and sustainable automotive designs. This course includes lessons on vehicle power systems, noise and vibration created by vehicles, vehicle handling and control, sustainable designs of vehicles and automotive aerodynamics.

The degree includes a complete study of designs that modern technology offers like driverless cars, automatic transmission, full-electrics, hybrid power trains and fuel cells. The course will emphasize hands-on learning, with laboratory-based practical experiments and designing new cars.

Certificate III in Light vehicle mechanical technology:

This is a vocational course of one-year duration, and it aims to provide course seekers with knowledge and expertise in light vehicle technology. If you Study in Perth and take up this course, you will find several universities offering it. They emphasize a range of specialist modules including petrol fuel systems, cooling systems and other associated components. This course requires face to face classroom learning as well as practical lessons.

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Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical Diagnosis:

This course is especially for professional automotive technicians interested in taking advanced training to develop their diagnostic and technical skills further. This special type of automatic diagnostic course enables the participants to get promoted to a senior, supervisory, or managerial position within the automotive and repair industry. Practical experiences and face to face classes are the major requirements for this course.

Employment rates and career opportunities for motor mechanics have risen to certain levels in the last few years. If you want to opt for any of the above-mentioned automotive courses, consult an Education agent in Perth who will help you find the top universities and colleges offering these courses mentioned above. Other than finding a proper university, an agent can also help you while filing the visa application. So, get in touch with the top Education Consultant Perth to get enrolled in the best automotive courses in Perth.

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