
IVF Specialist Speak on Effects of Pollution on Health

workshop organized by HIPA

IVF Specialist attends workshop by HIPA on Effects of Pollution on Health


Dr. Sonu Balhara, IVF specialistRecently, Dr. Sonu Balhara, a renowned IVF specialist, attended a day long workshop organized by Haryana Institute of Public Administration (HIPA.)

At the seminar, she voiced her opinion and views on “Environmental Pollution and its Health Impact” amongst the participants. Dr.Bhuwan Kumar (assistant professor, disaster management) and several other prominent radiation oncologists, general physicians, and HIPA members participated in the workshop.

The event was a huge success as it witnessed excellent presentations and detailed discussions. The participants walked out with an enhanced understanding of the importance of pollution free surroundings.

In her presentation, Dr.SonuBalhara highlighted the effects of environmental pollutants on increasing infertility and reproduction-related issues all around the world.

Some of the key high points of the discussion on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Health have been mentioned as follows:

  • Herbicides and arsenic air contaminants such as carbon monoxide, ozone, the pesticide DDT, etc. are some of the conventional pollutants that impact human health adversely.
  • The environmental contaminants can affect and disturb the physiology of a cell, tissue, or organ.
  • Pesticides used to get rid of pests, rodents, and molds/fungus, are harmful chemicals that interfere with fundamental life processes such as metabolism and thus harm “non- target” plants, animals and humans.
  • Common air pollutants, which have significant impact on the living population are carbon monoxide, ground-level ozone, lead, particulate matter, and nitrogen dioxide.

The impact of exposure to Environmental Chemicals on:


  • Premature menopause
  • Premature ovarian failure
  • Malfunctioning of reproductive organs
  • Endometriosis
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome


  • Undescended testes(cryptorchidism),
  • Malfunctioning reproductive organs (hypospadias)
  • Reduced sperms
  • Negative impact on quality and quantity of sperms

The key topics discussed in the conference were the increased exposure of the human population to reproductions intoxicants and their ill-effects on both the females and males’ fertility.

The primary purpose of organizing such a workshop was to spread awareness about these common pollutants around us and their impact on not only our physical but reproductive health as well.


What do you think?

Written by Parasteh


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