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How to get a sea of traffic on your food Blog

get traffic on your blog - food blog

Yum yum! Boy, I love watching all these delicious food photos all over the internet! It’s like an obsession that I have. I love watching videos of food being cooked or baked-on YouTube and the time passes by real quick. Everything is so appetizing! 

Now consider me as a person out of your audience for your food blog.

Do you think that I will come to your blog and have a look at what you have to tell me? Of course, I’d love to! But do you really think that your food blog has enough exposure?

Let me tell you one thing – if you’re new to the internet and this is your first blog about food, then consider that it will take some time for you to get to the point that you desire. You can’t get success overnight. And to get success, there is a “right” way and the “useless” way, I wouldn’t call them “wrong”. You know exactly which path to follow, right? Well, right now, you only need to read out everything below this paragraph pretty carefully if you’re serious about boosting traffic on your blog. I have some terrific tricks for that!

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5 Tricks for food bloggers to get traffic on your blog

Improve the look of your website

I’m just assuming that your website doesn’t look the way it should. So I want you to upgrade it. First, tell me how did you make it? Did you make it from scratch or did you some CMS (content management system) to get it done? It really doesn’t matter at this stage. Let me tell you that if you use something like WordPress or Squarespace, then it’s better for you because you don’t really have to do a lot of work there.

You can browse through the ready-made templates and pick the one that suits you the best. Make sure that it includes features that tell the visitor immediately that its a food blog and not an online tyre shop selling burgers. 

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Write catchy article titles

They say “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover” but this sentence doesn’t count when you’re marketing your product or business. It has no value at all. Everyone judges the cover and then decides whether to read the book or not. This is why you should be 100% sure that the title you write is super attractive and catchy. When the person will search something related to your food blog article, the title written on the SERP has to attract the user so they could be compelled to click on it and then enjoy reading the article. Since we’ve just mentioned “enjoying” the article, let’s head to the next tip. 

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The article writing must be fun and enjoyable

Many writers who have just stepped into the field of writing make this mistake or writing in a normal and formal tone no matter what the niche is. The niche is a really important thing in content creation, doesn’t matter if it’s graphics or written content. If the niche is business, then you have to be a little formal. If the niche is fashion, you can be fun and exciting. And it goes like so. Since your niche is food, try to find that fun tone that will excite people and compel them to keep reading your writings about food. You will then definitely start to get visitors and people will actually spend some time reading your pieces.

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Using amazing food photos is necessary

You do know that the impact of graphics or images is much more than the impact of written things on humans, right?

If a book doesn’t have images in it, we really don’t want to read that. Images attract people and also, they are quicker than writings in portraying the message, For photos, you can try out many websites that have royalty-free or copyright-free images for everyone. Or, much better, you learn how to take good photos and do some food photography. Using those will result in a much better boost in traffic on your blog. 

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You can do this one mind-blowing and unique thing I just thought of. Get top-class custom pillow boxes from a packaging company like Dawn Printing because they charge really low for high quality. Then package the food you take pictures of in those custom pillow boxes (use them in your photos). This way, your blog will get a separate identity. People will recognize your blog as the one that uses its own packaging boxes for its own photography. Now that’s cool, isn’t it?

Do proper SEO 

SEO is like the heart of the success of a website. It’s called Search Engine Optimization and it must be done no matter what if one wants to bring traffic to their website. You need to know the basic practices of SEO like keyword research, knowing how to write meta titles, meta descriptions, knowing how much keyword density is optimal, image SEO, etc. If you perform these practices on your food blog, you will see amazing outcomes for sure!

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Now that you know all this trickery, why not just go and start working on improving your food blog?

Good luck! Oh and wait – make sure that you’re ready to handle all that workload that you’re going to get after getting the desired traffic on your blog.

Good luck with that too!


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Written by Parasteh


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