
Find Again, What is SEO?

Find Again, What is SEO? 1

SEO means Search Engine Optimization, i.e. Optimization for Search Engines, which are a set of techniques used to improve website the visibility in the organic results of search engines like Google and Bing, for example.

Doing SEO is an essential practice of creating and developing professional websites, as well as a digital marketing strategy since it is a procedure that includes several actions that must be carried out regularly to optimize the position of the website, in search engine results.

Good search engine ranking means that the optimized website should appear as high as possible in the SERP (Search Engine Results Pages) or Search Engine Results Pages, as the first page of results gets 75 percent of user clicks on search engines.

It is calculated that the first position in the results of a search page (SERP) gets 33 percent of the clicks; the second, 15 percent, and the third, 9 percent, that is, the first three results get 57 percent of user clicks.

Recommended reading: 8 Secrete Elements of On-Page 

Now that you know this, would you like your website to be on the first page of search engine results?

What are the benefits of great SEO?

The first benefit of a good SEO job is the generation of optimized traffic growth towards the website, coming from the results of the searches carried out by the users to increase the chances of conversion and therefore business, whether it’s making online sales, subscriptions, or getting leads.

SEO must be done inside (SEO on-page) and outside (SEO off-page) of the website. The first includes the choice and use of the most descriptive keywords of your business or company, along with the use of tags (tag) and meta tags (meta tag) along with the title of the page (title tag).

Other factors are the number of words, the ALT descriptions of the images and videos since search engines use text to identify «objects» like photos and videos, that is, any of these two elements without an ALT description is not recognizable nor indexable.

Recommended reading: Global SEO VS local SEO

Off-page or off-site SEO is the use of elements external to your website that cannot be controlled directly such as inbound links better known as link building; there are also the dofollow or nofollow links; inbound links or backlinks and articles on your blog from your guests.

Therefore, We are SEOkingsclub, providing the best SEO services in Lahore for decades. We have a long trail of the top positioned sites, from all over the world.

How do we do SEO?

We analyze your website.

Let’s check an in-depth analysis of your current website: from the server where your site is hosted (the speed with which the pages are displayed counts for good SEO) and even the organization of the content (information architecture) to know if it is easy to consult for any user, or if there are duplicates or search engine penalties.

 We choose the best keywords

After reviewing what the differentiators of your business are, we will choose with you the most useful keywords for your company or your brand, with which we will focus on your clients and prospects, since they will be the basis of the contents of your website and a key piece in a good SEO, in addition to being very useful for Link Building.

Recommended reading: How to build a professional blog?

We do Link Building

Getting good quality links for your website is another regular task that is key to a good SEO job, that’s why we will work to get well-rated search engine websites to point to your website to improve it’s ranking (SEO) off-page), improve their authority and thereby increase their importance to search engines.

 We give you work reports

Periodically we will send you reports on the position of your website in the search engines, compared to your competition, the ranking of your keywords in various cities; Google Analytics results for your site and an analysis of your website so that you have a “photo”: does Google blacklist it? Is it blocked in search engines? Are you indexed by google and bing

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Written by myseo576


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