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How to Determine Your Ideal Coffee Roast Level

How to Determine Your Ideal Coffee Roast Level

When it comes to purchasing your next cup of coffee, you might feel a bit overwhelmed by all the options. After all, you have different types of coffee to choose from, but you also have different roasts to consider. 

Furthermore, you should also consider your personal preferences and coffee drinking habits. Fortunately, the variety of options shouldn’t frighten you. Instead, you should feel reassured knowing that there’s a logical explanation for all of them. 

You can understand each and everything you need to know about different roasts in this article.

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What are Coffee Roasts? 

A coffee roast is the process of heating and partially burning the beans to enhance their flavor. Many people think that roasting coffee is the same as simply heating it. However, that’s not the case. Roasting involves more than just heating. 

The different temperatures and lengths of time involved with the roasting process result in different roasts. Below we will go through the three different coffee Roast levels to enable you to choose your best preference.

Light Roast

Lightly roasted coffee beans have been roasted to 200 degrees Fahrenheit (93.3 C) or less. Light roasts are perfect for people who like smooth coffee. Light roasts tend to be sweeter than dark roasts and produce a brighter flavor profile. 

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Some people love the light Roast for its mild flavor and aroma, but others prefer the taste of darker roasts with more distinct flavors such as chocolate or fruit. Light roast coffee is also known as “French Roast”, “City Roast”, “Cafe Au Lait”, and “Drip Coffee,” among other names depending on the region where it originated from. 

It is one of the most popular types of coffee in Europe due to its light flavor and pleasant aroma that suits most tastes. This type of coffee is so common in France that it has even gained a nickname – Parisian Roast.

Medium Roast

Medium roasted beans are roasted to a temperature of between 205-240 degrees Fahrenheit (96.2-115.6 C), and the resulting flavor is somewhere between light and dark roasts. Because of its slightly darker color, medium roast coffee tastes richer and more flavorful than light roasts. 

Light roasts tend to produce a brighter flavor profile, while medium roasts tend to have a fuller, more robust taste that is often described as nutty or chocolatey. Medium Roast coffee is also called “American Roast”, “City Roast”, “Cafe Au Lait”, and “Drip Coffee,” among other names depending on the region where it originated from.

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It is one of the most popular types of coffee in North America because it produces a robust flavor that suits most tastes. When purchasing medium roast coffee beans, you should look for an aroma rich and complex. It should also have a slightly oily texture but not too oily. This type of Roast is perfect for people who like their coffee with more intensity than light roasts but less intensity than dark roasts.

Dark Roast

Dark roasted beans are roasted to a temperature of between 240-275 degrees Fahrenheit (115-135 C), and the resulting flavor is somewhere between medium and dark roasts. Dark roasts are usually less acidic with less caffeine. 

Dark roasts tend to have a richer, more robust taste than light roasts and a darker color. Dark Roast coffee is also known as “Italian Roast”, “Espresso Roast”, “French Roast”, and “Full City Roast,” among other names depending on the region where it originated from. 

It is one of the most popular types of coffee in Italy because it has a strong flavor profile that suits most tastes and is less bitter than dark roasts. This type of coffee has become so popular in Italy that it has even gained a nickname – Italian Roast. According to the International Coffee Organization, dark roast coffee is generally regarded as the most popular coffee type worldwide.

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Wrapping Up

After reading the above article, you will have a substantial understanding of the different types of coffee and their characteristics. It is easy to distinguish what type of coffee you would like to drink in your morning coffee when you understand the difference between dark roast vs light roast coffees. 

There are many other factors you can consider when making your choice. Those who drink coffee many times in a day may want to go for a dark roast to get the most out of it. If you like your coffee light and mild, a lighter roast would be best. I hope this article has been helpful.


What do you think?

Written by Parasteh


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