
Life of Millennial Women Changed to make them Empowered?

Life of Millennial Women Changed to make them Empowered

If you do not know who a Millennial is, let me enlighten you a little.

Millennials are people who are single-handedly responsible for accounting for more than half of the working class in the world.

These people have;

The most knowledge;

The most experience;

The ablest to learn;

And the most desirable age;

They are neither too young, not too old, which indeed makes them the most sought after employees in the world.

If I am genuinely technical, then a Millennial would be someone born in between 1980 and 1994.

I would think that they are called the millennials because when the millennium that is 1000 years turned into 2000, they were at their prime.

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The millennials are often referred to as trendsetter and change-makers, let us look at one Millennial woman and see if she has set the trend or not.

Introducing the Millennial

The millennial I am going to refer to is, of course, fictional, but it is also someone whom you must have had the encounter of knowing.

This is a woman, a woman who has built her career because she built her family.

This is a woman, who despite being 35, became a mother and the greatest mother ever.

This woman has a no-nonsense attitude and has taken it upon herself to decide the way she and her family would live. Who cares for the orthodox societal norms, right?

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This woman has made a life on the grounds of her principles, and she would never make a compromise that is against those principles.

The Morning Routine

Change must start from the very beginning, and the millennial women are making sure that it is happening. Take a look at our millennial’s morning, and you would find a subtle change.

Our protagonist’s day starts early, at around 5. After sipping on a cup of honey lemon tea, she begins the household chores.

She starts by prepping the lunch for herself and her husband to take to work.

After doing that, she pumps the milk for her 8-month-old baby to last the entire day without her.

Then she moves on the bath, by the time she comes out, the baby is wide awake and needs to be fed and cleaned.

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Once that is out of the day, she readies herself, wakes the husband and goes to her work.

She and her husband have taken different shifts to make time for the baby. When she is at work, her husband is home, and when her husband is at work, she is at home.

Their arrangement personifies the family of the millennial couples.

All responsibility of bringing up the child should not be on the shoulders of the women. It steps two to conceive a baby, so it must be two parents bringing up the child.

The Work-Life

If we think that prejudice against women in the workplace has gone away completely, then we are entirely wrong.

The bias is not as blatant as it used to be, but it is present in many subtle ways.

We are taking a big case from a female lawyer, just because it would require more time and devotion. Since she has just had a child, it would be too much for her. So, she should take it slow.

That is what a senior partner told her when our protagonist showed her willingness to take a case.

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So, saying that her work life was going great would not be appreciable.

Her desire to start a pro bono clinic would not come to fruition if she did not work as a well-paid corporate lawyer.

This, she did what she had to.

She worked 8 to 10 hours every day at the office and took the remaining work home to finish up. It is her dedication that made her a junior partner at 35. Her appraisal even made it possible for her to repay the loans for bad credit with no guarantor that she had to take on to cover the investment losses she had incurred.

The Perfect Dynamic 

Life after the millennium is vastly different from what it used to be before it.

In many ways, it is indeed similar.

Women are expected to cook meals often because men are frankly the worst cooks, there are exceptions, of course.

Women still considered inferior to men in strength, intellect and work ethics.

Women are often believed to lose their professional charm and brilliance, once they have had a baby.

All of these are still an enemy of the millennial woman. They have to work twice as hard to make their name heard and revered too.

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I also appreciate the fact that women can as quickly acquire no guarantor loans as men. They now do not need a man to become the witness of their credibility in front of the lender. Kudos to the loan providers!

This is a sign that circumstances are changing. People slowly realise that men and women are equals in every way. If a woman can stay at home and become the home-maker, then so can a man.

And there is a thing wrong on that. Instead, it makes both of them more empowered.

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Written by Ella Watson


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