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Measuring Impressions of Mobile Advertising Mediums

mobile outdoor advertising

Mobile Outdoor Advertising is a highly beneficial medium of advertising to capitalize on. It gives an edge over the static mode of advertising as the vehicle involved, constantly carries the advertisement and caters to a larger audience. The vehicle moves in all areas having the dense population and every kind of population group therein gets to see the message being conveyed.

Advertising during festivals ensures that the attendees have been exposed to your brand and advertisement. The following chart displays attendance for various events and festivals occurring in Toronto this summer, based on previous year’s figures:

Canada Event and festivals

Information obtained from Tourism Toronto

There are many reliable ways to provide a brand with an accurate number of brand engagements taking place due to Mobile Outdoor Advertisement. Similarly, there are many ways to provide a brand with an accurate depiction of the potential audience a Mobile Outdoor Advertisement can reach. Here are a few strategies are taken from Bubble Outdoor, a UK-based outdoor advertising provider:

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Measuring Pre-and Post-Campaign Sales

  • One of the most popular and trusted strategy is to compare the brand’s sale pre and post the Outdoor campaign.
  • Sometimes it gets difficult to segregate the results if the brand is running campaigns on various platforms like Television Commercials, Print Media or Radio advertisement.
  • In order to find out the most effective way to reach the customers is to run the campaign on a single platform at once.
  • Then analyze the results of all platforms and see which platforms reach the maximum to the audience and you can be sure that the campaign’s effectiveness is based on OOH media.

Custom Coupon Codes

  • If you want a full proof approach you can go for creating coupon codes, discount vouchers, URLs or QR codes especially that runs on Outdoor Mobile Advertisement.
  • This allows a brand to measure the level of engagement based specifically on coupon codes, providing a certainty that the results are reflective of the outdoor advertisement itself.
  • Another tip? Try using outdoor ad-specific slogans that audiences can easily search, creating an impacting and memorable brand message in the eyes of potential consumers.

Develop a Separate URL or Microsite 

  • Extending it further a microsite for the advertisement can be created and the audience will land up on that particular page. It directly counts the engagements made.
  • Add a link to the main website on the microsite along with quick links and contact information.
  • Analytics tools such as Google Analytics can be used to determine how many people visited the URL, signed up for email offers, made purchases or engaged with the brand directly through the outdoor advertisement.

Use Keywords 

  • Keywords are the backbone of any marketing strategy be it online or offline.
  • Choosing an appropriate keyword according to your brand does half of the promotional core work.
  • But make sure Promo Codes and URLs used while doing outdoor campaigns should be somehow linked to your website or microsite as keywords.
  • This will make it easy for the audience to search the brand on the web even if they do not remember your brand name.
  • Analytics tools can then determine if the key searches were a direct result of your advertisement if they appear in the analysis.

Use Social Media

  • Try creating a hashtag that’s unique to your outdoor advertisement to increase audience engagement.
  • You can easily search the hashtag across social media channels to determine brand activity, as well as gain insight into who is searching and sharing your brand.

Wild On Media possesses a variety of non-traditional OOH and Mobile Outdoor Advertising options that are guaranteed to show results through impressions.

  • For instance, a Digital or LED Video Truck can provide up to 1 million impressions over a 3-day period while travelling the downtown core of Toronto.
  • LED Taxi Tops ads can reach 11,750 impressions in a single day and up to 658,000 over 4 weeks.

However, Mobile Outdoor Advertising doesn’t need to be restricted to land; Sail Boat Ads have the potential to gain up to 12.9 million impressions over 4 weeks, making it a tempting addition to your next marketing plan.

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Wild On Media also utilizes an exclusive Bluetooth-based technology, which allows Digital Ad Trucks to determine how many mobile phones are in the area while it makes its way along the route.

This technology allows us to easily determine a number for potential impressions based on the number of mobile phones that are in the vicinity of the truck, in which the users have the potential to see the advertisement.

In the fast-paced and media-saturated world we live in today, we’re exposed to almost 5,000 advertisements every day!

Advertisers are on a constant hunt for the time and attention of a wide demographic of consumers, which can’t always be easily achieved through traditional methods of advertising.

Out-Of-Home (OOH) Advertising has been steadily increasing in popularity, with $38 billion US projected to be spent in 2020 on this medium (statista, 2018).

Read: Top 7 tools for creating engaging social media videos, images and Gifs

According to a study conducted by the Outdoor Media Centre, 7 in 10 people see OOH advertisements daily, leading to web searches and product investigations as a direct result of viewing an outdoor advertisement. Now you can bring your message to the target market without waiting for them to come to you with Mobile Outdoor Advertising!

This exciting method of advertising has become an interesting new medium compared to more traditional forms, allowing for high impact and far-reaching campaigns that are almost impossible to ignore. Discover the advantages that OOH and Mobile Outdoor Advertising can provide and see your brand’s impressions soar.

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